2024 Morning Star Sanctuary Golf Classic – Aug. 22 at Hermitage Golf Course

Join us in celebration of the 25th Annual Morning Star Golf Classic! For 25 years this tournament has enabled us to serve women and children fleeing domestic violence with emergency shelter, case management support, counseling, court advocacy, assistance in filing Orders of Protection, and more.

Individual- $250
To pay for registration now complete newt page.

Tournament Details

Not a golfer but want to support? Please click here to make a gift.

For sponsorship details, click here.


6:45am - Registration and Grab'n'Go Breakfast

7:45am - Golfers to carts for rules and introductions

8:00am - Shotgun Start

12:30pm - Awards Ceremony and Lunch


  • Team Scramble
  • Each player will receive a player gift. 
  • First, second, and third-place teams in each flight will receive awards. 
If you'd like to be a sponsor or have questions, please contact Lisa Shacklett, or Anna Bingham, or by phone at 615-781-3000.